Our Team

Expert Team member to get best service


Kevin has spent majority of the time in the technical support industry and clould technology. His expertise is in technical support and server managment operations, he is a constructive communicator and is capable of discussing difficult issues effectively and to the point.




Chandani has excellent communication and technical skills. She applies creative thinking to implement a vision for the company, her positive attitude and willingness to listen are highly appreciated, she always applies new knowledge to her work and keeps up with changes in his field.


Sales Master..


Shubham is well experienced in technical support, he can find the right approach with any client, even the most critical one. He always keeps himself updated about new information and knowledge in relation to his field of expertise.




Meet has experience of working at different level of management in IT sector and hosting, he shows initiative by developing new ways of thinking to improve projects or company performance, he begins each day fully refreshed and prepared for any challenges.




Sunny has experience of web designing and technical support, he struggles to effectively overcome new challenges and find solutions to new issues, He is a detail minded person and his work is always completed with high quality, he has an exceptional way of finding things and get them improved.



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I've opted LC service since 2019, and received 100% availability of agents since the first day. Thanks AumSupport.

Williamson Martin

Web Developer

Never missed single sales inquiery via live chat, heartily thanks AumSupport for putting me in the first row in compitition.

James hussy

Web Developer

We're in Hosting Services, AumSupport techs are 100% available in any cercumtances like server down and mass rush. Thanks.

Tonney Watson

Web Developer

I appreciate the AumSupport team for being available for us in covid-19 lockdown situation, Best in Live Chat Industry.

Kristina Thompson

Web Designer

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